[s2If !is_user_logged_in() OR is_user_logged_in() AND current_user_is(s2member_0) OR is_user_logged_in() AND !curerent_user_is(s2member_1) OR !current_user_is(administrator)]
In 1966, the family-owned Larus and Brothers (which had acquired full control of channel 12 in 1960) decided to split its various interests after longtime president William T. Reed died. Jefferson Standard Insurance Company of Greensboro, North Carolina emerged as the winner for WRVA-TV. It would have bought the radio stations as well, but at the time, the FCC normally did not allow common ownership of two clear-channel stations with overlapping nighttime coverage. Larus-owned WRVA's nighttime signal had a significant overlap with the signal of Jefferson Standard flagship WBT in Charlotte; between them, the two would have blanketed most of the eastern half of North America at night. As part of the application, Jefferson Standard requested a callsign change to the current WWBT, which occurred on November 28, 1968. The new owners immediately went to work overhauling the station's look. It was already in second place in the Richmond ratings by then, but by the early-1980s, was the highest-rated station in the market and one of the strongest NBC stations in the country. By this time, Jefferson Standard had changed its name to Jefferson-Pilot Corporation. Also helping matters was NBC's rise in the ratings to become the #1 network as the 1980s went on.